
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prayers, please!

I just received an email from my dear friend down in Atlanta.  My 14yo God-daughter needs prayers:

Please include Katherine among your fervent prayers. She's had a tough start to high school and it has been complicated by health issues, particularly this last month.

The plethora of doctors are still trying to ascertain what's going on with a myriad of tests, so hopefully the good Lord will guide them to a definite diagnosis & treatment plan soon. At present she's has constant leg pain and is in a wheelchair (and has been for two weeks) and, of course, has a bad wrist w/ tendonditis too, and sleeping problems to boot. I'm hoping this all sounds way worse than it really is. But we're at the "I don't know what's going on stage," which can be trying.

She's being a trooper at times, but this is all difficult. Sometimes she's very uncomfortable with talking about all of it, so we're doing our best to respect her privacy and help her along the way. In addition, the wheelchair severely limits her 'normal' activities and life. Thus, your prayers would be most welcome. We're asking that you intercede on our behalf to ask the Lord to guide our doctors and caretakers to determine what's causing her problems, and be able to help her back to health.

This is one of those kids that's a really sweet, active, wonderful daughter/sister/student.  Please pray that the docs find out what's wrong and can help her. 
Thank you so much .... God love you!

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