
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

School in your pj's -- Homeschool Connection Adult Course!

Aquinas Connections, run by friend and fellow-homeschooler, Maureen Witmann and Walter Crawford, announces a brand-new course for adults:

This class, seven one-hour sessions, will be taught by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ.  Fr. Pacwa is a frequent guest on EWTN and a well-respected theologian and well-loved priest who runs an apostolate called Ignatius Productions.  Here's a full description:
In Luke 9:51 Jesus sets his face toward Jerusalem, and mention of his destination is repeated in 13:22, 17:11, and 18:34, with allusions to the journey in 9:57, 10:38, 11:53, 14:25. This journey links the beginning of Christ’s public ministry with its purpose in his death and resurrection. During this Year of Cycle C Readings, the Church presents readings from this unit of the Gospel, from the Thirteenth through the Thirtieth Sundays in Ordinary Time. It is easy to hear each episode during the Sunday readings, but that would miss seeing the unity of these episodes and their function within the message of the whole Gospel. This course will limit itself to examining the Journey to Jerusalem. While the individual units of the Gospel will be examined in as much detail as is possible, the focus will be on making the links between each unit and the theme of the Journey, as well as the connections with other parts of the Gospel of St. Luke.
Aquinas Connections is a new program from Homeschool Connections -- AC is specifically for adults who want to continuing their education in Catholicism .... apologetics, theology, Christology, etc. For more info about Aquinas Connections or any of the other amazing courses offered by Homeschool Connections, click on the link below:
Homeschool Connections Subscription Service
A great chance to learn in your pj's!

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