Max this morning (19weeks, 5 days) |
We took Max (now just about 5 months old) to be neutered yesterday. I don't know who it was harder on: Max, the kids or me! He gave such a pitiful look as he was led back to the kennel. And when we went to pick him up last night ... we could hear him whining as I spoke to the attendant!
The poor little guy!
We nursed him thru last night: the crate has been moved into the boys' room (String Bean had him in with her for a little while a few weeks ago, but girls have so much stuff for puppies to get into while the boys just have to remember to pick up their socks!) ... Lego Maniac read
The Long Patrol 
to Max and I, while I cradled Max to sleep ... Yes, we are a little over-the-top with this little guy!
Max woke this morning, around 5:30, still a bit less-active-than-usual but sweet and settled and loving!
For those who are local: we took Max to the
Kincheloe Clinic, a place specifically set up to encourage neutering/spaying of domestic animals and we had a GREAT experience with the folks there. The two ladies who took care of Max were loving and cuddled him ... but were still professional. We were able to pick him up in the evening ... and were told exactly what to do, given medicine for pain and Amoxicilin, and allowed to come get him out of the kennel ourselves (where the poor mite was shaking and so happy to see us!). We also got Max micro-chipped at the same time as the neutering so he's all set now. I can't recommend
Kincheloe enough if you need to have your dog/cat spayed/neutered or just need typical shots or micro-chipping! [You do have to bring cash and make an appointment, but the cost and service are well worth it. These folks WANT to help your pet!]
Ahhh poor guy. Isn't it pitiful. If my REASON didn't say otherwise, I'd say it just isn't right. I had one family buy a girl, just because the husband couldn't stomach the idea of doing that to his dog. I thought to myself...well spaying a girl isn't so great either! (But I didn't say anything.)